– Nordic house of brands for sports, outdoors and more

A quality product withstands the test of time and wear

The design and development of each of our brands and product categories is based on designing and producing high-quality, durable products with the consumer in mind. We put a lot of thought into the purpose for which and for whom we design and manufacture products. Our collections feature many timeless, durable products that are suitable for many purposes. Good product design enables us to minimize waste and loss and to keep products in circulation for as long as possible.

Wear resistance is the most important thing for a high-quality product. This is a major focus when we are choosing fabrics and materials. We also carefully test all fabrics before choosing them. To pass this test, the material must be of high quality in many different aspects. Each test has a specific target value that must be met.

Fabrics are tested for, e.g.:

  • Shrinkage in laundering or steaming

  • Color bleeding with different materials

  • Abrasion resistance

  • Light-fastness

  • Water repellency

  • Water proofing

  • Breathability

  • Pilling

  • Tear strength

  • Fraying

  • Frost resistance

  • Twisting and odor

The quality of a product is also reflected in the quality of the stitching. This is where the choice of factory plays a big role. We use skilled, reliable and long-term factory partners so that we can guarantee the quality of the stitching and that the product is durable. We provide more details about production and factory selections in our Sustainability Report. A quality product also fits well and is comfortable to wear. Our in-house product development team ensures the fit of every product by using sample pieces prior to production.

Product care

Our clothing brands are made to last. In product development we also take into account ease of care and include comprehensive care instructions for products because a product that is properly cared for will maintain its high quality for a long time. We also publish care instructions on our website. Care instructions can be accessed here.

Product repair

When needed, you can also have our product brands repaired, altered or styled to give them the additional longevity they deserve. This is easily done through our partner Menddie. The service is available for now only in Finland.

Material choices and procurement

Material choices matter both from a quality and environmental perspective. The production of materials accounts for a significant share of carbon dioxide emissions in our company. In addition, materials have other environmental impacts in terms of water and chemical use, microplastics and waste. We strive to take sustainability into account in material choices and to minimize adverse environmental impacts caused by materials in a variety of ways.

When choosing and sourcing materials for our products, we aim to take the following into account in particular:

  • Raw material sourcing

  • Full chain-of-custody traceability and verifiability

  • Circular economy aspect

  • Measurable quality of the material – durability and longevity

  • Chemical safety

  • Manufacturing processes and the finished product

We recognize that we have a lot of work to do on our material choices to reach our ambitious goal of circular economy-aligned collections. We have created a plan and we are working with Luhta’s brands to significantly increase the proportion of recycled materials, for example, in our collections in the coming seasons.

Innovation in the use of materials

Innovation is at the heart of future-oriented materials development. All our brands and product development teams have access to the shared material library that supports the selection of eco-friendly and circular economy-aligned materials. The material library helps us to make more informed choices while maintaining the quality, longevity and aesthetics of our brands. We are constantly exploring new options for the use of recyclable, biobased and renewable materials. The textile sector and its innovations are evolving rapidly, and we believe that developments in the coming years will bring us many new solutions. We actively follow developments in the sector.

In the 2024 Olympic collection, we have taken our future goals into account as far as possible, and the collection has been created with the aim of testing and practicing full circularity to the extent that we are already able to do so. The design and material choices for the collection have taken into account recyclability, the long life cycle of products with multiple cycles, and the use of recycled and improved natural materials. Read more about the Olympic collection here.

No harmful chemicals

In choosing materials, in terms of chemicals we use Finnish Textile & Fashion’s Restricted Substances List (RSL), which is based on EU legislation on chemicals (REACH, POP) and on Finnish legislation on chemicals. The RSL is used to develop the quality and safety of products and to reduce the environmental impact of harmful substances in textile products. Through our environmental policies and contracts, we bind our entire supply chain to the same guidelines, including REACH, SVHC and PFAS substances.


Synthetic materials are often used in technical interlayer products and outerwear to ensure their functionality and comfort in different weather conditions and to increase their lifetime. However, these materials have the environmental disadvantage of releasing microplastics into water bodies during production and washing. Microplastic emissions are best minimized through quality material choices and correct product use. Another way to reduce microplastics is to look for innovative materials to replace traditional synthetic materials. We guide our customers to avoid microplastics by buying quality products designed for their intended use and washing them only when necessary.

Materials of animal origin

Materials of animal origin are very marginal in relation to materials used by Luhta and total procurement. However, It is very important for us to ensure that animal rights are respected in all materials of animal origin used in our products. In our Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct and our Animal Welfare Policy, we set specific requirements on animal rights to which our suppliers and partners must adhere. To ensure animal rights, we scrutinize certificates of origin, i.e. third-party certifications. We also set clear guidelines and minimum requirements for our product development teams on ethical sourcing with respect to animal rights.

Read more about materials and our related work in our Sustainability Report.