– Nordischer Multimarkenshop für Sport, Outdoor und mehr

Sustainability is a key part of Luhta’s strategy. Corporate responsibility and operations are based on Luhta’s values, vision and mission. Our day-to-day sustainability work is guided in particular by Luhta’s sustainability program, sustainability targets, sustainability priorities, and sustainability-related commitments and policies. In addition, close cooperation with our key partners helps us to develop responsible business practices and promote sustainable development.

Our sustainability targets

We have set clear targets for our sustainability work. These targets guide our daily work through which we ensure that the environmental impacts in the production of our sustainable and innovative products are considered and mapped as comprehensively as possible throughout the value chain and that our own personnel and the stakeholders in our value chain take into account human wellbeing and ethics in their operations.

The three main targets of our sustainability work are:

Targets alone, however, will not take us forward; for us, sustainability is first and foremost about actions. In our Sustainability Report, we aim to expand on our targets and to give as concrete an account as possible of the sustainability work we have done in relation to products, the environment and people. You can read our latest Sustainability Report here.

UN Sustainable Development Goals in our operations

We are committed to the UN Global Compact – the world’s largest corporate responsibility initiative. UN Global Compact is based on the UN’s universal principles on human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. We have a long history of working towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals and are committed to the ten Global Compact principles in our operations and in our Code of Conduct. For our operations, we have identified four key UN Sustainable Development Goals, the implementation of which we are actively advancing.

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In early 2023, we joined the ranks of signatories to the initiative to strengthen our development work and our commitment to reporting our progress in line with the UN Global Compact reporting process.

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