In the design of both our pet and human products we pay attention to functionality and use high-quality materials, that are always tested by humans to ensure weather protection.
Whether you and your dog practice agility, enjoy long runs or trips to the forest, or simply prefer relaxed Sunday walks, you can easily order both Rukka and Rukka Pets products from our webstore at the same time.

Winter frosts
When it comes to winter clothing, it's good to consider not only the temperature but also the level of activity. Especially for more leisurely walks, both you and your dog will need extra warm clothing, while for more active runs and hobbies you should invest in more breathable and functional outfits.
Small, short-haired and elderly dogs get cold easily in winter, but in extreme frosts, our larger and thicker-haired friends may also need extra warmth from clothing such as jackets, overalls and sweaters. In addition to clothing, your dog may also need boots or socks for protection against cold and moisture. For longer outdoor trips, it's also a good idea to pack some extra layers of warm clothing for both of you, so that you're not caught out by the cold.